Spoken word poetry workshops for schools
In recent years we have seen the exponential growth of spoken word poetry in popular culture. Young people in particular have connected with this media and have found a platform to share their opinions, voice and stories.
Action Ed offers a variety of spoken word poetry programmes that can be delivered over a series of weeks, or as one-off workshops. We have a variety of themes that we work with and can also cater to the specific needs of your group.
The programmes are designed to give young people the tools and confidence to be able to articulate their own journey, experiences and world view.
In our workshops students will learn to:
- Write and perform spoken word poetry
- Use and understand poetic devices & language features
- Stretch comfort zones through self-expression
Participants walk away with a draft poem of their own and a chance to share.Most importantly, our workshops increase interest in literacy while building confidence in written and oral assessments. Workshops are one or two periods in length, tailored to different year levels, and can be linked to the NZ English Curriculum. Schools usually book workshops for individual English classes or across an entire year level.
Our programmes can be delivered in a wider range of community settings. We also cover all age ranges from pre-school through to secondary schools.
Enquire about a workshop
We can accommodate up to 30 people per workshop and can run up to 3 workshops concurrently.
Ideally workshops last 1.5 – 2 hours.
Please let us know any other relevant information – The year level of students, preferred times for workshops etc.
Check out our YouTube channel for dozens of incredible examples of spoken word poetry. These videos make great prompts and class discussion points. They are all performed by local poets – so the topics addressed are highly relevant to students in Aotearoa New Zealand.