Action Education : Vision & Values
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Vision & values




Enable young people to express their authenticity while growing a vibrant community that supports them.



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Our kaupapa is to strengthen identity and develop self-esteem through creative self-expression, using the medium of spoken word.




This set of values reflects who we are, what we do, how we do it and where we are going.

Kia ngākau toi

We fundamentally believe that creativity is essential for wellbeing. Through professional mentorship, we nurture and hone the innate talent of each individual.

Kia manaaki tētahi ki tētahi

We embody manaakitanga. Providing a safe, accessible, supportive, non-judgmental space for everyone we engage with. Respecting and meeting the needs of each individual.

Kia hāngai

Young people feel a sense of ownership and belonging. We bring together a community that listens without judgement and values each voice so individuals feel truly seen.

Kia pono kia aroha

We consistently deliver on our word. We create safe and supportive spaces with a transparent, genuine and open-minded approach.


Kia ngākau nui

Our priority is the healthy development of young people. We believe vulnerability has power and strength - when modelled safely and authentically by our mentors, giving others permission to follow.

Kia angitu

Our foundations are strong and have been built on by generations of passionate and skilled facilitators. Led by the needs of our community and guided by best practice, we evolve and develop over time while maintaining the highest of standards.

Kia mauri ora

We bring passion, positivity and vitality to everything we do. Our energy is infectious and ignites the spark within.

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