Word the Front Line Rule Book 2025
WORD - The Front Line is an inter-high school spoken word poetry competition, bringing together teams of young people from across Auckland to share their stories in an explosion of youth expression. It is a poetry slam with the purpose of engaging and growing the potential of our future leaders. It is the only creative battlefield of its kind, equipping young people with poetry prowess and leadership principles for an opportunity to battle for themselves and the challenges that their generation face.
Word the Front Line Info Pack 2025
WORD - The Front Line is an inter-high school spoken word poetry competition, bringing together teams of young people from across Auckland to share their stories in an explosion of youth expression. It is a poetry slam with the purpose of engaging and growing the potential of our future leaders. It is the only creative battlefield of its kind, equipping young people with poetry prowess and leadership principles for an opportunity to battle for themselves and the challenges that their generation face.
Spoken word best
practice guide
If you're interested in bringing spoken word poetry into your classroom, event or programme, our Best Practice Guide is a great starting point. It includes prompts, writing exercises and examples. It is free to download and use. If you have any questions about the material in it, or if you'd like to book a workshop with us to see how some of these tools are used in action, don't hesitate to reach out to us.
Nga toi o rongo
Our kaupapa Māori spoken word poetry resource, designed to guide, inspire and support our communities to utilise poetry through an Ao Māori lens. This resource has been designed for rangatahi Māori, however it can be used for any and everyone, as long as it is done with understanding and respect.
Impact Evaluation Report by COGO
In 2022, Action Ed engaged Cogo to carry out an impact evaluation of Word - The Front Line to support stakeholders to understand the value delivered by the programme. Overall, the programme feedback provided by all involved was extremely positive and we are proud to share the results.